Netflix Elite
I was involved in promoting Netflix’s new show ‘Elite’ as a content curator. Thanks a lot for the opportunity to Livity.
My role mainly revolved around curating content from social media influencers below:
@feeeeya Saufeeya Goodson @dianasirokai Diana Siroka i@theslumflower Chidera Eggerue @LailaLoves Laila Dahou @AndyZurita Andres Martinez Zurita Arellano @calleypocheoficial Daniela Calle Maria Jose Garzon @RyanHoffman Ryan Hoffman @paumtzurita Paola Martinez Zurita Arellano @kevsho9 Kevin Roberto @SantiagoArtemis Santiago Artemis @bieljuste Biel Juste @kazzio7 AnthonyAnthonin Anthonin Fabre Clara Marz Clara Marzloff Sofia Viscardi Sofia Viscardi @johngrvyJohn Gray