
Still Waiting Discussion Group Podcasts

Through a series of get-togethers we shared ideas, discussed concerns and thought about the BA Sound Arts and Design curriculum from wider perspectives than those we had previously experienced.  In large part we focused our analyses upon unacknowledged racialised, sexualised and gendered biases within our course core reading lists. We created a playful tumblr blog, S-A-D Boyz, to critique Sound Arts and Design in an enjoyable manner. By uploading images of the authors of the various texts we visualised the overwhelming race and gender bias our “suggested reading” list provides.

Our name comes from a Facebook status from our private group where one of the students said “¯\_(ツ)_/¯ still waiting for a POC tutor in 2k16 London lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯” and then we voted on this alternative version of that together. We are still waiting for better diversity and this platform provided a coping mechanism within the current environment.

What we most took away from the Still Waiting Discussion Group was the power of collectivising and having a space that enabled us to talk about issues and problems we might be facing, rather than feeling isolated and sitting with the problems by ourselves. This also allowed the space to exist as a potential for new ways to engage and think about working within sound art and institutions in general. These potentials allowed us to see that there were possibilities for change, both personally and structurally, and provided a means to move forward rather than leaving us feeling lost. The group provided a collective sense of self-care. We met outside of university hours in informal get-togethers and shared experiences of what we have enjoyed or felt discomfort towards during our time within the institution. There was a therapeutic aspect to our meetings. We joked around and at times talked emotionally about our personal battles with diversity issues in the university. By sharing personal and local histories we built a sense of community and comfort, aspects of which have been compiled into a series of podcasts by Karol StefanowiczNatasha Lall and Robin Buckley which can be listened to here.

Decolonising Language by Karol Stefanowicz

The Still Waiting Discussion Group raised some important questions about colonisation, the remains thereof in our curriculum and how we can decolonise it. Through my podcast I wanted the listener to think about these questions when it comes to language, particularly the issue of English dominating the academic realm.

